
Tuesday, February 17, 2009


mini interviews part 2

Ok round two of the interviews, this time Robbo and Camby from across the pond. Thanks for everyone answering the questions, hopefully more of this to come and a Marky T interview in the works even thou he never touched a computer, maybe explains why he goes so high on a bike.

Tom "Camby"Cambridge
What inspires you to still dig trails when usually most trails end up being plowed or just abandoned?

First and foremost the hug amount of amazing people I have met throughout the years and the do-not careing lifestyle of many of them and mine.

In the early days of riding trails we would find a location to dig, dig our asses off for months in the winter get to ride them for the summer and then they would get plowed in the following winter. This trend continued from when i started riding in 2000 to 2004. Then we had around 3 spots over the next 2 years which we bulit in the winter and never got to ride them after either coming to the woods to see them levelled or being chased out by police or the landowners...haha we have had two sets of trails plowed due to the damned bluebells. I guess in england they are a 'endangered species' of flower and it is a big no no and terrible sin to harm them. We must have dug around 10-15 sets of trails in a 10 year period.

I guess the main reason i still have the will to try is im happy putting endless hours in to digging if only to end up with one good sesh because there is nothing like building and riding what you've sown, its fine to just visit others trails but the sense of achievement is not there and creating stuff to your own taste, there is nothing else like it.

Finally in 2006 after being chased out of some woods we asked a farmer if he had any land we could use and astonishingly he said yes and there was never any talk of liability on his part or insurance and it has been the same ever since and lets leave it that way please. The trails are in a field and although we crave for the atmosphere and ideal of the woods at least we know it is not getting plowed. It is hard because we have been used to woods from the start and the problems of it drying out much faster and cracking under the sun are annoying to say the least . Its never going to be as smooth, diverse and dialed as we'd like but you have to count your blessings sometimes.

Most people ride street these days and don't have a clue about trails since they purchased a brand new bike without brakes. If you could get someone to ride trails by explaining it to them what would you say to convince them to put some brakes on and try riding some trails??

I know many people who are good at all areas of bmx and like them for different reasons. errrr i have tried many times to convince people.

I think a lot of what it comes down to with most hardcore street or skate park riders is the extra effort involved. Most can't even fathom the idea of putting some of their own precious hours in to building trails and thats fine by me. Asides from this the people i can convince have a go and find they are in fact extremely sketchy at riding trails and haven't realized the fact that there are different skills involved and give up because they don't look as cool as they do at the skate park and don't put the time in to find out what trails riding is all about.

I guess what I would say is try it, stick at it for a bit and I promise you it will pay off as soon as you reach that comfortable zone when you can get through a line or even just a 6 pack and not feel sketchy or intimidated and then anything can happen, you don't know real BMX until you have experienced the feeling of hitting a 20-30 foot set for the first time shouting shit! shit! shit! shit! through the air and landing sweet with an awesome adrenalin rush and a feeling of relieve but accomplishment.

What kind of shovel is your favorite?

Bronco flat long shovel from home depot? The ones I'd dig with at catty, however I have recently found one just like it from wyvale garden centre in England which I bought for five quid broken and fixed easily, the norm in England is a 3ft back breaker with a dismal none smoothing friendly head. They are hard to find here that's for sure! I'm getting on well with it but its early days.

What is your favorite trick?

Launching of a lip at 30mph over a 30 foot set or launching of a boomer and being 20ft of the ground with a good nosedived tuck.

Describe an ideal day at the trails?

It would start with sunny but not humid to the teeth weather and no hangover. Damp and grooved and not dried out trails. Smooth some stuff up to make it extra dialed and good for the day not 10 minutes and its hagged. Everyone rides and is syked on how the trails are running, some craziness goes down and some sweet trains get going and I don't crash too hard.

I'd either be with Catty locals or Villij locals or at our own trails. If at catty I would have to hear Trievel's manly voice bellowing the funniest shit throughout the woods and you heckling me to film a run with your camera or do a run for you. I would also have to get some filming done on my camera which I'm happy with. Edgar would be lurking around being rad and chuckling. Bugbee would have everyone in hysterics at the seating/hangout area, abe would be addicted to scratch cards and sending Danny Dangit to fetch more from pantry one for some candy. Flash would be ogling skirts and T-mac would be smiling from ear to ear and stoned then roasting like you have never seen. Finally everyone would leave to continue the good times throughout the night.

Shit! This was supposed to be a mini interview sorry for the essay but I enjoyed answering the questions


Tom "robbo" Robinson

What inspires you to still dig trails when usually most trails end up being plowed or just abandoned?

ive always built trails ever since i started riding bmx and i always will. it's just somethink i do.i guess riding diffrenet trails and looking at them and the good times that comes with them. i guess thats what keeps the wheel barrow rolling just good times in the woods

Most people ride street these days and dont have a clue about trails since they purchased a brand new bike without brakes. If you could get someone to ride trails by explaining it to them what would you say to convince them to put some brakes on and try riding some trails??

hahaha i have no clue what i would say to them.i think it would be hard to get someone to but brakes on and ride trails.but i guess you could just show them a set of trails or a rad trail video and see if they get pschyed and wanna ride them..or you could just let them be, and leave them to ride a set off stairs i have no clue.

What kind of shovel is your favorite?

a american flat head by far

What is your favorite trick?

just flowing through a set off trails, roosting hitting leafs and all that shit,you actually can beat that feeling

Describe an ideal day at the trails?

just riding with all my good friends.everythink all blue grooved the suns blazing trains bbq good times basically.

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