
Friday, July 31, 2009


you would of never guessed it

More rain today, wow this summer is going by fast with the amount of rain and no riding going on. So might as well just jump in the river since its wet all the time anyway.


Here is something good to look forward to thou, the new Mutiny video that will be out in September.

Anyway was looking at finally concreting the quarter at the skatepark next week come out Monday to help early, something to ride that dries pretty quick.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009



More rain today who would of thunk it, with all this downtime with rain been working on the new/old video a lot. Here is a video still that will have you scratching your head.


It's been a weird summer with none of the English around, but looks like they been making the best of it over in the Motherland.


goodluck to Pete in getting his visa

Thursday, July 23, 2009


same old

Rain is not sweet or the 10 day forecast, what to do what to do... a drought would be nice for once...

Friday, July 17, 2009


pro time robbo

Here is an update from over in England, it seems Robbo is just blowing up all over the place. He entered some dirt contest and got 2nd place, watch this video and you can see how sketchy it was and some good clips of Robbo. He also scored another RideUK cover, wow trail legend in the making.

Thursday, July 16, 2009



There's a contest going down at the Dome in Wilkes Barre here's the flyer for it, should be interesting.


Axelrad is having some picnic up that way too so look out for that. It's summer and its nice out go ride...

Monday, July 13, 2009



If this doesnt want to make you go ride then I dont know what will, most of the people in this video are probably around 40.

BMX WORLDS 2009 VIDEO from on Vimeo.

this video is for Bugbee

Rad, dance scene from BooomBastic on Vimeo.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


hot dog





halloween jam 07 from woods on Vimeo.

Thursday, July 2, 2009



The Source Bike shop is hooking up some prizes for Saturday so props to them for helping out. Long jump competition starts at 2pm and winner gets beer. Schwartz is showing up with lots of candy too and maybe shorter shorts. so come out to ntown park...




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